It’s time to talk about CBD and sex. We live in a culture full of reluctance to openly discuss sex and sexual proclivities and issues. So it’s reasonable if you’ve never heard anyone talk about feeling anxious about sex.
Hooray for sports! Hooray for physical activity! Hooray for all kinds of wonderful muscles and the miracle of the human body! Removed from the list of banned substances it is now used by many athletes
To help consumers use supplements responsibly, we need to be cognizant of the fact that supplements are not cures. They do not work in place of medical advice or prescription medications.
Industrial Hemp grows in an incredibly short window of time, uses less water, is suspected of contributing to soil health, and there are basicallyendlessuses and applications of hemp.
Hemp is still marijuana adjacent & all cultivars of Cannabis Sativa plant are in legal gray area, especially for regular folks. You must be willing & able to file planting & harvest reports with department of agriculture
Consumable products all have a shelf life. Some things that will impact the shelf life of your CBD products are: carrier oil, packaging and temperature.
Let’s take a minute and look at some of the parts of the industrial hemp plant and its varied uses and planting styles. For example--did you know that CBD-rich industrial hemp genetics, fiber genetics, and seed genetics are all called Cannabis Sativa?
They’re compounds that are present in the cannabis sativa plant. They’re called cannabinoids. As studies and research continue to emerge about medical and industrial cannabis plants, it will be interesting to see what benefits are linked to which cannabinoids, and whether, if, and how they work together to support ideal health.
Not all CBD, nor all CBD products, are created equal. Here’s what you need to know before you buy them. However, many potent medicines and remedies are herbal or plant-based and need to be used with caution and knowledge. It’s OK to be skeptical, but it’s important to be careful, please avail yourself of the resources at your disposal to proceed with caution!
Hemp seed oil has an interesting flavor--it’s nutty and warm and a little bit rich. If you’re a lover of various vegetable oils, I’d suggest hemp’s flavor is most analogous to walnut oil. We hope you’ll enjoy bringing the hemp seed oil to the table this Thanksgiving, and that you and yours have an excellent celebration followed by a prosperous year.
It’s easy to get confused, we understand why you are. The differences are real, and the terms are NOT interchangeable, though many folks do refer to CBD oil as Hemp oil. In fact, sometimes CBD oil is referred to as full-spectrum hemp oil due to regulations that may exclude the use of the term CBD in labeling of CBD Hemp products. Both products come from the Industrial Hemp plant.
We get a massive number of questions about what CBD is and the common ways to use it. We think that has something to do with the fact that CBD has only enjoyed legal acceptance and widespread availability for a short time, therefore it hasn’t been studied very much, even though there are a bazillion blog posts just like this one offering all kinds of sound-seeming advice.