Industrial Hemp grows in an incredibly short window of time, uses less water, is suspected of contributing to soil health, and there are basicallyendlessuses and applications of hemp.
Hemp is still marijuana adjacent & all cultivars of Cannabis Sativa plant are in legal gray area, especially for regular folks. You must be willing & able to file planting & harvest reports with department of agriculture
Consumable products all have a shelf life. Some things that will impact the shelf life of your CBD products are: carrier oil, packaging and temperature.
Industrial hemp that’s grown for grain is typically planted pretty close together and harvested after about nine weeks. Hemp protein powder comes from what’s left over after oil is extracted from industrial hemp seeds.
Let’s take a minute and look at some of the parts of the industrial hemp plant and its varied uses and planting styles. For example--did you know that CBD-rich industrial hemp genetics, fiber genetics, and seed genetics are all called Cannabis Sativa?
Hemp is rich in Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids which are essential for healthy diet. Complete protein source, choke full of fiber & delicious too. If you haven’t tried hemp as food, you’ll be delighted by nutty, rich, earthy flavor & your body will like the nutrition.
They’re compounds that are present in the cannabis sativa plant. They’re called cannabinoids. As studies and research continue to emerge about medical and industrial cannabis plants, it will be interesting to see what benefits are linked to which cannabinoids, and whether, if, and how they work together to support ideal health.
How they’re the same. Both are yields from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Both have a distinctive fragrance and leaf pattern. Both grow quickly and create sustainable products. But that’s about where the similarities end.
Hemp seeds are delicious, crunchy, and nutritious. Hemp seeds are high in both protein and fiber, so they’re a great addition to a vegan or vegetarian diet. They’re also rich with Omega Fatty Acids which bodies need to function healthily, and which offer benefits ranging from skin to digestive health!
CBD Lotion requires a preservative because it is made with water which will harbor bacteria and eventually go bad, not to mention the risk associated with slathering bacteria all over your skin! CBD Salve is fairly shelf stable, but may include vitamin E to help prevent the natural metals in the base oils from oxidizing.
Not all CBD, nor all CBD products, are created equal. Here’s what you need to know before you buy them. However, many potent medicines and remedies are herbal or plant-based and need to be used with caution and knowledge. It’s OK to be skeptical, but it’s important to be careful, please avail yourself of the resources at your disposal to proceed with caution!
Hemp seed oil has an interesting flavor--it’s nutty and warm and a little bit rich. If you’re a lover of various vegetable oils, I’d suggest hemp’s flavor is most analogous to walnut oil. We hope you’ll enjoy bringing the hemp seed oil to the table this Thanksgiving, and that you and yours have an excellent celebration followed by a prosperous year.