It’s easy to get confused, we understand why you are. The differences are real, and the terms are NOT interchangeable, though many folks do refer to CBD oil as Hemp oil. In fact, sometimes CBD oil is referred to as full-spectrum hemp oil due to regulations that may exclude the use of the term CBD in labeling of CBD Hemp products. Both products come from the Industrial Hemp plant.
We get a massive number of questions about what CBD is and the common ways to use it. We think that has something to do with the fact that CBD has only enjoyed legal acceptance and widespread availability for a short time, therefore it hasn’t been studied very much, even though there are a bazillion blog posts just like this one offering all kinds of sound-seeming advice.
There’s a scad of information out there about Hemp oil and CBD oil Full-spectrum vs. Broad spectrum, and an enormous range of hemp products to go along with them. Hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the Industrial hemp plant. This oil does not contain CBD because of when these plants are harvested, and is primarily used for cooking and developing skincare products.
These products are not presently regulated by the FDA, so there’s really no standardized dose. We recommend starting with a half a dropperful (or 20 mg) of the CBD Oil twice a day. You may need less or more depending on what you’re using CBD for! Experimentation is the only way forward at this time. The topicals should be used with moderation.